
Showing posts from November, 2021

How to make vanilla scented perfume at home:

How to make vanilla scented perfume at home: Methods : •Test the scent of the liquid on your skin. Even if the vanilla essence smells and looks right, it’s important to test it out before you make the perfume oil. Dab a small amount of the liquid on the inside of your wrist, and allow it to dry for 5 to 10 seconds. Smell it, and if you’re happy with the scent, you can mix up the perfume oil.If the vanilla fragrance isn’t strong enough when you test it on your skin, leave the mixture to steep for longer. • Stretch nylon stocking or cheesecloth over a glass jar. Find a clean glass jar that you want to store your perfume in, and place a piece of nylon stocking or cheesecloth over the opening. Make sure the nylon or cheesecloth piece is long enough to hang over the sides, so you can secure the fabric with a rubber band or piece of string.Make sure sure that the jar or container you choose for your perfume has a lid for airtight storage. • Strain the vanilla essence through the

How to apply perfume oil:

How to apply perfume oil: Methods : • Apply the perfume oil to your wrists for a quick and easy application. The most popular pulse point for perfume is the wrists because your hands move around the most, making it easy to enjoy the smell. Rub your perfume oil on the inside of your wrist, or even on your forearm if you’d like. Avoid rubbing your wrists together after you apply the perfume oil because it can ruin the fragrance. • Rub the oil on your inner elbow to add a hint of fragrance. Put a little perfume oil right in the crease of your elbow, rubbing it on gently. Spread the perfume oil to your inner arms if you'd like your scent to be stronger. It’s best to rub perfume oil on your inner elbow when you’re wearing an outfit where your arms are uncovered so you'll notice the scent. • Put the scent on the back of your knee to make your legs smell good. Rub the perfume oil you’re using into the crook of your legs, right behind your kneecap. This adds a little fragra

Where is the best place to apply essential oils topically:

Where is the best place to apply essential oils topically: Methods : • The chest, the temple, the bottoms of feet, and other pressure points. • These are all common places to topically apply essential oils because they're thought to be powerfully sensitive areas of the body. You can also use essential oils to give body massages if you want to do a larger topical application. • Pressure points located on the wrists, ankles, and back of the neck are often targeted for acupuncture. • Never apply essential oils inside your ears or nose and keep them away from your eyes. • If you accidentally get essential oil in one of these areas, rinse it out thoroughly with running water.

How can we use essential oil as moisturizer:

How can we use essential oil as moisturizer: Methods : • Essential oils themselves don’t moisturize the skin. • However, you can dilute them with a carrier oil that moisturizes your skin for added benefit.  • Almond oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, and avocado oil are all good choices that your skin will love! • You could also add a few drops of essential oil to an unscented moisturizer or lotion to give it some aroma. • Pomegranate seed oil helps with anti-aging and is a great addition to moisturizers. • Ylang ylang oil also works to cleanse your skin.

What is the best carrier oil to mix with essential oils:

What is the best carrier oil to mix with essential oils: Methods : • Any vegetable or nut oil works great on the skin.Almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil are all good choices. Certain oils absorb faster than others and have different shelf lives, so take those things into account when you’re choosing a carrier oil to mix with your essential oils. • Grapeseed and hazelnut oil are absorbed quickly, for example, while jojoba and sweet almond oil are absorbed more slowly. • Coconut oil has the longest shelf life of any carrier oil. • It can last anywhere from 1-2 years depending on the storage condition.  • Jojoba oil is a popular choice for the face because it's moisturizing and doesn’t clog pores. • Avoid carrier oils that have strong aromas because they'll cover up the scent of the essential oils and you won’t experience the aromatherapeutic benefits .

Uses of essential oils:

Uses of essential oils: Methods : • Take a bath with essential oils. Adding essential oils to your bath can be very beneficial for the body. Use a mild essential oil like lavender oil, rose oil, or sandalwood oil, while avoiding more spicy oils like cinnamon oil or thyme oil as well as citrusy oils like lemongrass oil.Using essential oils in your bath can help with many skin problems, circulation problems, respiratory problems, stress, insomnia, and menstrual cramps.Usually use 5-10 drops of essential oils in a bath. • Inhale essential oils through a diffuser. Diffusers are devices that use candles to heat up essential oils so that they evaporate and permeate the air around them. They are easy to use and smell quite nice.Some diffusers use electricity instead of candles. • Make a cream or lotion with essential oils. This is a good option for people who do not tolerate carrier oils well. Use an un-perfumed base cream and add some essential oils to it. This can help with ma

How to choose essential oils to prevent scalp:

How to choose essential oils to prevent scalp: Methods : • Use tea tree oil to treat dandruff and soften your skin. Tea tree oil is well established as a great way to treat dry skin. It will naturally repair your skin and reduce the number of obnoxious flakes getting stuck in your hair. You’ll notice your dandruff clearing up in a few weeks with regular use. The anti-inflammation properties will also reduce your itchiness which should come as a major relief.Tip: Tea tree oil is one of the most popular ingredients in regular hair care products for a reason. It’s great for your skin and is likely the best option for general itchiness. • Opt for geraniol to clear out bacteria and replenish your scalp. Geraniol is an oil that is extracted from rose and palmarosa. It naturally fights off microbes that may be triggering the itchiness and won’t damage your skin. Geraniol will clear out any unwanted bacteria in your hair and give your skin time to repair itself. It’s also odorless

How to pick perfume for a date:

How to pick perfume for a date: Methods : • Experiment. Try lots of different scents, and be sure to actually try them on your body. Your natural oils will mix with each fragrance to produce a unique scent. In order to tell whether or not you will actually like the way something smells, you'll need to try it on yourself first.Wait until after the perfume has dried before sniffing in order to tell what the scent will be like.Use a makeup wipe to get rid of any unwanted scents. • Pick a scent you like. The most important opinion to consider in selecting a perfume is your own. Perfume is meant to make you feel attractive and confident, and if you don't like what you're wearing then you will probably feel self conscious. Consider owning multiple perfumes to suit your different moods and to give yourself the opportunity to change things up. • Pick a scent they'll like. Part of the point of wearing perfume on a date is to seem attractive to the other party. Althou

How can you use the oils if I don't have the diffuser:

How can you use the oils if I don't have the diffuser: Methods : • You can take a quick sniff directly from the bottle.There’s nothing wrong with simply opening the bottle and inhaling the oil directly if you’d like. Just make sure that you start with the bottle 6 inches (15 cm) or further from your nose the first time you do this, since essential oils can be fairly overwhelming if you stick the bottle right up to your nose without knowing how you’ll react.You can also pour a few drops on a cotton ball and smell that if you’d like to reduce the intensity of the aroma. If you go this route, start with the cotton ball 6 inches (15 cm) away from your nose at first to see how it makes you feel. • You could try steam inhalation if your sinuses are stuffed. Fill a large bowl or pot with hot water and pour a few drops of your essential oil into the water. Hold your head over the water and take a few deep breaths of the steam. This is an especially good option if your nose is f

How to make a ocean scent with essential oils:

How to make a ocean scent with essential oils: Methods : • Mix geranium, cedarwood, ylang-ylang, and vetiver oil for a beach breeze scent. Rifle through your essential oil stash and look for bottles of geranium, vetiver, cedarwood, and ylang-ylang oil. Add 2 drops of geranium oil, 1 drop of cedarwood oil, 2 drops of vetiver oil, and 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil into your diffuser of choice. Once your diffuser is full, take a deep breath and pretend that you’re enjoying a day at your favorite beach.You can find most essential oils online, or in a home goods store.Ylang-ylang oil comes from a tropical tree, while vetiver is a type of grass. • Use geranium, ylang-ylang, rose, and cedarwood oil for a fresh ocean scent. Add 3 drops of geranium essential oil to your diffuser to give the scent a fresh, floral base, then round it out with 3 drops of ylang-ylang and rose essential oil to a refreshing twist. Round out the scent 3 drops of cedarwood oil to give your mixture a rustic vib

How to make peppermint oil

How to make Peppermint oil: Methods : • Gather enough peppermint leaves to produce the desired amount of oil. Ideally, the peppermint should come fresh from your garden or a similar source. If that’s not an option, it’s perfectly fine to pick up a bundle or two at the store.Use only the broad, green leaves. Taking the stems from a peppermint plant could cause it to die.Unlike other types of essential oils, peppermint oil is technically an infusion. This means that the amount of carrier oil you use to steep your leaves will determine how much you ultimately end up with.  Tip: If you’re picking your own peppermint, the best time to harvest the leaves is just before they begin to flower. This is when they’ll be most potent. • Wash your peppermint thoroughly with cool, clean water. Place the leaves in a colander or mesh strainer and run a stream of water over them to rinse away dust, dirt, and debris. For a more thorough clean, you can also soak your peppermint in a shallow bow

How to use fragrance in your personal care routine with essential oils and perfumes:

How to use fragrance in your personal care routine with essential oils and perfumes: Methods : • Choose soaps with citrus scents. These are fresh and refreshing at the same time, leaving you more awakened and smelling as sweet as a citrus orchard. You can use citrus scented soaps in the shower, bath or when washing your hands.Lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit and lime are all delightful scents. • Rely on herbs for a clean and healthy fragrance. Herbs such as rosemary, thyme and basil are both fresh smelling and invigorating. They are also cleansing and some herbs even have medicinal purposes.Add herbs, fresh or dried (in a sachet), to a steaming hot bath, to release their herby flavor. Allow them to float and wait for them to release the scent into the water. Then hop in and have a good, long soak. • Add perfume to steam for a wonderful waft of scent. Try a few drops of lemon or floral perfume or essential oil to the floor of your shower. Turn on the shower to warm up th

How to create a steam facial with essential oils:

How to create a steam facial with essential oils: Methods: • Gather your supplies. Have all of your facial supplies ready so you're not scrambling around hot water while the steam escapes. You can easily set up your steam facial in the kitchen (nearest the hot water) or the bathroom. You'll need: A kettle Water 3 to 7 drops of essential oils A thick clean towel A large basin or bowl • Prepare the water. Fill the kettle with clean water and bring it to a boil. Pour the boiled water into a heat safe bowl or basin. Add your essential oils to the water. Take care when pouring the water or moving the bowl.If you boil the water in the microwave, make sure to place a wooden spoon, utensil, or chopstick into the water. This prevents the water from super-heating which can cause an explosion. • Lean your face over the bowl or basin. Place the basin on a table so you can sit in a chair and lean over the steaming bowl. With your head over the basin, place the towel so that it&#

How to adjust your aromatherapy:

How to adjust your aromatherapy: Methods : • Try a different oil. Many essential oils have overlapping therapeutic uses. If one is not working for you, try another that’s designated for the same purpose but might have slightly different active ingredients.For instance, if you’ve been using bergamot oil to lift your mood and alleviate depression, you might try using camomile instead.Keep in mind that the quality of your essential oil might also play a role in its effectiveness, so you might just want to try a different brand. The plant content, production process, and packaging can all affect quality. In general, quality products will list the scientific name and origin of the plant, include a statement of purity, and not be offered at a significantly discounted price. • Change your delivery method. If topical solutions are not having the desired effect(s), try an inhalation patch instead to see if it makes a difference. If you are having adverse side-effects from a particul

How to use tea tree oil:

How to use tea tree oil:  Methods:  • Tea tree oil works slowly, but is less harsh than other options. Twice a day after washing your face with lukewarm water, dip a cotton ball in a 5% tea tree oil gel (or a homemade carrier oil mix).Dab this over your acne. It might take a couple months to notice a big improvement. This is less likely to irritate your skin than the stuff you'd typically find at a drug store (like benzoyl peroxide).(And those drugs aren't much faster anyway.)Using a stronger mix is a gamble—it might work faster, but you might also become allergic and have to stop using the oil. • Use the oil on the skin twice a day. Treat each area with a fresh cotton bud or wipe dipped in a 5% tea tree oil mix. This isn't a cure-all, but there's a good chance it will help keep symptoms down. Besides fighting bacteria, fungus, and viruses directly, tea tree oil can also help with pain and inflammation. It might even help with warts.Talk to a doctor first be

How to use rosewater in your beauty routine:

How to use rosewater in your beauty routine: Methods : • Make a rosewater face mask to hydrate your skin. Mix together 2 teaspoons (9.9 mL) of rosewater, 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of honey, and 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of coconut oil in a small bowl. Apply the mask to your face and neck, and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water when you’re done.Use this mask once a week to keep your skin hydrated, or apply it when you notice your skin getting dry and dull. • Add rosewater to your shampoo and conditioner for hydrated locks. Add 2 teaspoons (9.9 mL) of rosewater to your favorite shampoo and/or conditioner. The scent will make your hair smell great, and the rosewater will add a little extra hydration to your hair.There are also specific rosewater products you can purchase for your beauty routine, but it’s usually less expensive to simply mix up your own! • Use rosewater and coconut oil to remove your makeup. Mix together 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of rosewater and 1 t

Do you have to dilute essential oils before putting on skin?

Do you have to dilute essential oils before putting on skin? • Yes, always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil but never use water. Water does not mix with oil so it wont dilute it at all. A good rule of thumb is to mix 3 drops of pure essential oil with 1 tsp (4.93 mL) of a carrier oil like vegetable or nut oil. This creates a 3% solution of essential oil that is safe for topical applications. • Using pure essential oils on your skin without diluting them can cause irritation and skin damage. • If you want to use essential oils for large topical applications, such as a massage, it’s better to dilute it to a 1% solution. To do so, use just 1 drop of pure essential oil for every 1 tsp (4.93 mL) of carrier oil. Make sure to shake your solution up well to mix it thoroughly

How to make hair tonic with essential oils:

How to make hair tonic with essential oils:   Methods :  • Start with 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of jojoba oil or grapeseed oil. Pour the oil into a 4 fl oz (120 mL) spray bottle. Jojoba oil and grapeseed oil have been studied in combination with essential oils.[6] However, if you don’t have one of these oils, there are other alternatives, such as: Hemp oil Almond oil Vegetable oil Apricot kernel oil Avocado oil • Pour in 3 tablespoons (45 mL) of alcohol-free witch hazel. Use a measuring spoon to ensure that you get the right amount. Alcohol has a drying effect on the skin and hair, so it’s important to use witch hazel that is alcohol-free.Witch hazel is optional. If you don't want to use it, replace it with more of your carrier oil. Studies have also looked at the effects of combining essential oils with a carrier oil alone, such as jojoba or grapeseed oil. • Tip: Place a funnel into the opening of the bottle to reduce spillage as you add the ingredients. • Fill the bottle wit

How to use lemongrass Oil in aromatherapy:

How to use lemongrass Oil in aromatherapy: Methods : • Diffuse your lemongrass oil with a diffuser, an inhaler, or a sachet. There are many ways to infuse your surroundings with the fragrance of essential oils. You can purchase a diffuser for use in your home, or you can create your own portable sachet or inhaler.To make a sachet, staple together two pieces of fabric around a bit of soft stuffing (like cotton or cloth scraps) that’s been dabbed with lemongrass essential oil. Stick it in your pocket, and you’ll be accompanied by the fragrance of lemongrass all day.To create an essential oil “inhaler", fill a small vial or jar halfway with coarse, chunky rock salt. Put 5-10 drops of lemongrass essential oil into the vial and shake it vigorously. Then, whenever you want an intense burst of lemongrass scent, uncork the vial and inhale gently. • Diffuse lemongrass oil in your room to ensure a good night’s rest. Lemongrass essential oil can have a mild sedative effect, so if

How to Choose the best essential oils for your hair needs:

How to Choose the best essential oils for your hair needs:  Methods :  • Opt for lavender oil if you have dry hair. First, examine your scalp and hair for signs of dryness and flakiness. If your hair feels consistently dry and damaged, check your local drug store or vitamin shop for bottles of lavender or geranium oil. When added to a shampoo, conditioner, hair serum, or scalp scrub, these oils can make up for the lack of oil production in your scalp. Chamomile, geranium, sandalwood, and rose oil are also great products to use with dry, damaged hair. • Use cedarwood, clary sage, or jojoba oil to stimulate your scalp. To keep your hair healthy, opt for essential oils that encourage circulation throughout your scalp. To do this, check your local vitamin or drugstore for bottles of jojoba, clary sage, or cedarwood oil. When combined, you can make an effective hair serum with these ingredients.Jojoba oil offers a lot of nutrients to your hair and also serves as an excellent moi

How to recognize essential oils:

How to recognize essential oils:  Methods : • Learn about essential oils. Essential oils are aromatic compounds housed within plants. Essential oils may be located in bark, seeds, flowers, stems, roots, and other parts of plants. These oils are extracted using a variety of methods and can be used for medicinal, beauty, or culinary purposes. Common essential oils include tea tree oil, lavender, peppermint, patchouli, and lemon. • Study the properties of various essential oils. Essential oils are very useful for a wide variety of health, beauty, and mood-boosting applications. In order to understand essential oils, it is important to get a sense of some uses of different essential oils.Essential lavender oil has excellent calming properties. Essential geranium oil is a good oil for balancing emotions.Essential rosemary oil is great for inhaling when you have a cough or cold.Essential lemon or grapefruit oils are ideal as air fresheners, leaving a fresh aroma in a room. • Diff

How to select perfume storage container:

How to select perfume storage container:   Methods : • Keep your perfume in its original bottle. If you still have the storage container your perfume came in, keep the perfume in this bottle. Do not transfer it to another container, as this will expose it to air. This can cause it to lose some of its smell. • Store perfume in boxes. To best store, you should place bottles in boxes before placing them in storage. Boxes will further protect perfume from things like heat and sunlight. Before placing your perfume in a closet or on a shelf, put all the bottles in a box. Make sure the caps on all the bottles are firmly sealed. You do not want perfume leaking in a box. Decorative boxes can be a fun way to store perfume. • Invest in travel containers. If you want to travel with your perfume, travel containers can help keep it safe. Opt for travel friendly bottles of your favorite perfumes before a trip, especially if you have to fly. If you can't find travel sized bottles, buy

How can I do aromatherapy without a diffusers

How can I do aromatherapy without a diffusers: Methods : • Fill an oil-soaked cotton ball to inhale an oil on its own.Squeeze a few drops of your favorite essential oil (or oils) on a clean cotton ball. Smell this cotton ball to get a good whiff of these oils as you go about your day.You can always just open the bottle and inhale the oils directly if you’d like.You can also leave the cotton ball in your general workspace. This way, you can still get a mild whiff of your favorite aromatherapy oils. • Try steam inhalation if you’re stuffy or want to relax.Fill a bowl or container with hot water, then drip a few drops of your favorite oils on top. Breathe in the scented steam to enjoy your different essential oil scents. This is a great way to clear your sinuses if you’re feeling a little under the weather. It’s also just a great way to relax if you’re a little stressed! • You could use a diffuser bracelet to do aromatherapy on the go.Shop online for a special bracelet designe

How to dilute your essential oils:

How to dilute your essential oils: Methods : • Find a carrier oil if you want to apply it to the skin. If you are applying essential oils to the skin, you will need to dilute them with a carrier oil first. Essential oils are highly concentrated, and by applying them directly to your skin without a carrier oil, you risk permanent damage to your skin. Carrier oils are typically vegetable oils. Good carrier oils include: Almond Oil,Rosehip Oil,Avocado Oil,Sesame Oil,Jojoba Oil,Hemp Seed Oil,Olive Oil,Coconut Oil,Sunflower Oil,Grape Seed Oil.  • Add a dispersing agent if you want to use it in the bath. If you are not planning to rub it directly on the skin but do want to use it in the bath, you should use a dispersing agent. A dispersing agent will help the oil spread through the bath safely. While some vegetable oils can be used as a dispersing agent, others, like coconut oil, are too thick for use in the bath. Try using an oil with a lighter, more liquid viscosity. Some good

How to make natural spray deodorant:

How to make natural spray deodorant: Methods : • Gather the necessary ingredients. If you prefer spray-on deodorants to chalky stick deodorants, then you will love this all-natural recipe. Additionally, this recipe cuts out the baking soda found in some other recipes, which can give some people a rash from constant use.Begin by gathering the simple ingredients. This recipe requires • 4 ounces of magnesium oil • 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil • Make your own magnesium oil if you choose. You can either purchase magnesium oil from a health retailer or simply make your own at home. To make your own simply boil half a cup of distilled water and pour the boiling mix over half a cup of magnesium chloride flakes (in a heat-safe bowl).Stir the mix together well and then allow it to cool. • Stir in the essential oil. Use your favorite scent of essential oils, or you can also experiment with a mixture. Stir the ten to fifteen drops of the essential oil into the magnesium o

Understanding the drawbacks of making Your own essential oils:

Understanding the drawbacks of making Your own essential oils:  Methods : • Accept your oils will not be as pure. The major drawback to making essential oils at home is that they will not be as pure as store bought oils. Commercially made essential oils withdraw oils from plant materials using expensive equipment. Professional steaming methods, for example, require materials you would have to get from a chemistry lab. Homemade oils can be a fun project, but do not expect them to be as pure as commercially purchased oils. • Make sure to follow all regular safety guidelines regarding use of commercial essential oils. While your oils may not be as pure as store bought oils, you should follow similar safety instructions. It's better to be safe than sorry when dealing with essential oils. You should never put essential oils on your skin directly, as this can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction. Essential oils should always be diluted in a carrier oil, like olive oi

How to freshing up throughout the day to smell good:

How to freshing up throughout the day to smell good: Methods : • Keep a kit full of items you may need. Gum, mints, mouthwash, wet wipes (to clean your armpits or other areas of your body), deodorant, cologne or perfume, foot spray, scented lotion, and an extra shirt or socks are good items to keep on hand. Simply toss your items in a small bag and store it in your desk drawer, backpack, or car.When the need arises, simply grab your kit and excuse yourself to use the restroom and freshen up. • Change your shirt or socks, if necessary. This is a simple and effective way to ensure you smell good all day long! If your shirt or socks are sweaty or stinky, swap them out for fresh ones. Store the dirty items in a plastic bag with a zipper to ensure the odors don’t escape. Make sure you bring the dirty clothes home and wash them promptly. • Use gum, mints, or mouthwash to freshen your breath. If you decide to go with mouthwash, pick a kind that’s alcohol-free. Alcohol dries out yo

How to apply body spray:

How to apply body spray: Methods:  • Choose a fragrance you like. Choose a scent that matches your personal taste and style. Start by sampling popular fragrances to see which scents appeal to your taste. Then explore other fragrances that are made with similar scents: 1) If you are a girl, then you may prefer sweet, floral scents or musky scents. 2) If you are a guy, then you may prefer woodsy or spicy scents. • Apply the body spray after you shower. Applying body spray on a clean body will help the scent stick to your body better and last longer. After you shower, lightly towel off. Spritz your damp body with the body spray. • Layer fragrances. Layering fragrances will also help your body spray last longer. While you are showering, use a body gel that has similar scents to the ones in your body spray. After your shower, apply a lotion with similar scents to your damp body. Once the lotion has dried, spritz your body with the body spray. For example, if your body spray cont

How to make your own fruit scented oils without a Stove:

How to make your own fruit scented oils without a Stove: Ingredients : • ½ cup cooking oil • Vitamin E (liquid) • ¼ cup chopped fruit rind: blood orange, clementine, grapefruit, kumquat, lemon, lime, tangerine, or yuzu Methods :  • Soak your ingredients. Drop your fruit peel inside. Pour the oil on top. Use a jar that is narrow enough for the oil to completely cover the fruit peel. • Set the jar in sunlight. Place it anywhere that will receive plenty of light over the course of the day. Use the sunlight to warm the oil and begin extracting the fruit's essence. Give it one or two days to do so. • Test its strength and repeat if necessary. First, line a strainer with cheesecloth and place the strainer over another container. Pour the jar’s contents into the strainer. Sniff the liquid to judge the strength of its scent. If desired, add a fresh ¼ cup of fruit peel to the jar and pour the liquid back in to soak for another day or two. • Repeat as desired up to a half-dozen

How to make perfume for soft toys:

How to make perfume for soft toys: Methods: • Place small or large bowl(s) onto a surface that you don't mind getting wet. Don't worry! If you do spill a bit of water, it's okay! You or your parents can dry it up using a towel or washcloth. • Fill the bowls up with clean water carefully to avoid a wet mess. • Find four or more of any kind of flowers to make your scent with. Make sure that they don't have any dry brown spots, and that they don't have any bugs or bug eggs on them. • Put the flowers into the bowl(s) and gently stir them around using a spoon. Be careful not to damage the flowers, as you do not want any tiny pieces of flowers stuck inside of your perfume bottle - they can clog the nozzle. • Look into the water to see if the flower water may be turning a color that is the color of the flowers inside of it. That's very good, as that means that the smell of the flowers is mixing with the water to enhance the smell of your new stuffed animal

How to apply cologne and where to apply it:

How to apply cologne and where to apply it: Methods :  • Apply the cologne to your pulse points. These are the areas of your body that produce a lot of body heat.The heat will cause the fragrance to continue to smell good all day long. If you just put the cologne on your clothes, it may not be detectable for long. The insides of your wrists are a good spot for cologne.Behind the ears is another spot that many men like to utilize. • Consider the chest. This is a great place to apply cologne since it scents your shirt and provides a nice burst of scent to whomever you might end up hugging. • Don't forget the neck. If you're relatively sure your date's head may be close to your neck at some point during the evening, be sure to dab some cologne on your neck for good measure. Your date does not want to smell sweat so add a medium amount on your neck. Cologne applied here mixes with your natural scent, creating a unique smell that is truly you. • Keep it clear of area