11 Weird And Surprising Facts About Perfumes That Many Probably Don’t Know😱

11 Weird And Surprising Facts About Perfumes That Many Probably Don’t Know😱
1. The excreta of sperm whales was used in perfumes

2. Many jasmine notes are derived from coal tar

3. Fresh lilies have notes which smell like ham

4. Musk is derived from the male musk deer

5. Roses have hundreds of scent molecules combining notes of different aromas

6. A liquid from the anal glands of civets is a popular perfume ingredient

7. A guy named Jammie Nicholas bottled his own shit and sold it as perfume

8. There’s a Chanel perfume with extracts from a beaver’s abdominal glands

9. Hyraceum, a perfume ingredient derived from the faeces of a small rodent, is still used by niche perfume houses

10. There’s a perfume which combined the smell of blood, spit, sweat, and semen

11. There are barbeque and bacon-inspired fragrances out there


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