Remove your stress use Lavender and Peppermint Stress Therapy perfume for stress relief

Lavender and Peppermint Stress Therapy perfume for stress relief 

Are you easily stressed out? Get riled up and can't calm down? Or, maybe you are like me and know someone who is like that. To keep rest "calm down" and "take a breath". I think that anyone who can take advantage of this type of reminder through a great scent is going to be better off. The best places to apply this is also at the pulse points particularly the wrists, temples, and even just on the inside of the nostrils.

• For solid perfumes your base will be 1         Tbsp of vegetable oil. 
• For liquid perfumes your base will be 2         tsp of vodka and 2 tsp of jojoba oil

With the basics down, it's time to add the therapy into this blend. The

ingredients you need for that are:
• 3 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
• 2 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil 
• 1 drop of Spearmint Essential Oil

When you have this recipe made, you'll want to make sure it's portable and something that you can take with you everywhere you go. Be proactive in becoming the person who smells divinely when mastering your stress!


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