How to make peppermint oil

How to make Peppermint oil:

• Gather enough peppermint leaves to produce the desired amount of oil. Ideally, the peppermint should come fresh from your garden or a similar source. If that’s not an option, it’s perfectly fine to pick up a bundle or two at the store.Use only the broad, green leaves. Taking the stems from a peppermint plant could cause it to die.Unlike other types of essential oils, peppermint oil is technically an infusion. This means that the amount of carrier oil you use to steep your leaves will determine how much you ultimately end up with.
 Tip: If you’re picking your own peppermint, the best time to harvest the leaves is just before they begin to flower. This is when they’ll be most potent.

• Wash your peppermint thoroughly with cool, clean water. Place the leaves in a colander or mesh strainer and run a stream of water over them to rinse away dust, dirt, and debris. For a more thorough clean, you can also soak your peppermint in a shallow bowl for 5-10 minutes. Inspect your peppermint leaves while you’re washing them and throw out any that look diseased, damaged, or discolored. Giving your peppermint a good preliminary rinsing helps ensure that no foreign substances end up in your finished oil.

• Allow your peppermint leaves to air dry thoroughly. Shake the leaves gently to remove excess water, then arrange them in a single layer on a countertop, cutting board, or similar surface. If necessary, smooth the leaves with the pad of your finger to keep them from folding or curling as they dry.You could also set your still-wet peppermint leaves on a clean towel or layer of folded paper towels to soak up more moisture. Your peppermint leaves need to be completely dry before you begin the oil extraction process.


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