Can you use any essential oil on skin?
Can you use any essential oil on skin?
• Not all essential oils are safe for topical use.
Essential oils are extremely concentrated and can irritate your skin if they aren't diluted.
• Oils like bergamot and citrus oils can make your skin sensitive to the sun. Some oils are dangerous in other ways; for example, anise oil can cause circulatory issues if you use it too often.
• Always do your research and read up on any potential side effects before using an essential oil on your skin.
• Just because essential oils come from natural sources doesn’t mean they're safe.
• If you have symptoms like slow/shallow breathing, seizures, persistent cough/gagging, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation, or eye redness/irritation after using an essential oil, you might be experiencing toxicity.
• Rinse the skin where you applied the oil thoroughly and call your local poison control center for further guidance.
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