Narcissus:Perfume Ingredient Scent: Floral, rich

Perfume Ingredient Scent: Floral, rich

• Popular in French perfumes like L’Artisan Parfumeur, this white flower has a strong and rich fragrance. It has a variety of smells that are reminiscent of dark green leaves, musk or even vanilla.

• Narcissus flowers are usually white or yellow and are characterized by a narrow, tubular base (hypanthium), three petals and three petal-like sepals (the perianth), and a central cup-like appendage (the corona, cup, or crown) that may be of contrasting color.

• Narcissus is mostly native to the Mediterranean region, but a few species are found through central Asia to China.

• Without exception, the most common Narcissus species found growing throughout America today were brought over from Europe by the early colonists and distributed westward by settlers from the East.

• Narcissus is mainly cultivated in the Channel Isles, the Isles of Sicily, Great Britain and Holland.

• Narcissus flowers are available from November to April depending on the species. The typical Daffodil blooms in the early spring.


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