When to seek medical treatment for scalp or using essential oils:

When to seek medical treatment for scalp or using essential oils:

• See your doctor if you’re not sure what’s causing your itchy scalp. Since an itchy scalp can have so many causes, it’s good to pinpoint the cause before trying to treat it. Your doctor or dermatologist can evaluate your scalp and determine the best way to deal with the issue and prevent future itching.

• Contact your doctor if home remedies don’t help with your itching. If you’ve been trying essential oils, other home remedies, or over-the-counter medications to treat or prevent scalp itchiness for a few weeks without success, see your doctor. They may be able to recommend or prescribe another treatment that can help.For example, if your scalp is itching because of a fungal infection, you may benefit from a prescription antifungal medication or shampoo.

• Make an appointment if you experience severe itching or other serious symptoms. If you have itching that is severe enough to keep you up at night or distract you from daily activities, see a doctor or dermatologist. This may be a symptom of a more serious infection or other underlying condition.You should also let your doctor know if you have open sores on your scalp or if the itchy spots are painful or tender to the touch.

• Seek medical care if you have a severe reaction to an essential oil. Even natural treatments such as essential oils can cause allergies or other serious side effects. If you experience any bad reactions while using an essential oil on your scalp, stop using it and call your doctor.Make an appointment with your doctor if you experience symptoms such as a severe, widespread, or painful rash that develops suddenly, or a rash that affects your face. Even if the rash is small or mild, get medical attention if it doesn’t improve within 3 weeks.Get immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms such as a fever, blisters filled with pus, swelling of your face, mouth, or tongue, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, dizziness or lightheadedness, or a rapid heartbeat.


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